Monday, February 16, 2009

"Bitch Lit" Is Where It's At!

So FlirtyGirl Liz and I have been talking about all these new companies who are trying to do books with interactive components. It's great to see the genre—maybe it needs a name of its own?—start to come of age. These other companies are doing books that focus on fantasy or mystery or I don't even know what...and someday you might see the FlirtyGirls take a stab at those areas, too.

But right now at FlirtyGirl Productions we understand that "Bitch Lit" is where it's at!

Here's why: The same readers who are devouring Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars and (we hope!) Golden Girl are the same girls who can't get enough of MySpace and Facebook. The same ones who text constantly, even while they're driving. The same ones who post incriminating photos of people they don't like to public websites. The same ones, naturally, who created the whole idea of cyberbullying. So, we think, they are the obvious choice for our new, unnamed, genre of cyber books.

So that's why you'll find our FlirtyGirl minds creating exciting new series that will keep all the drama tweens and teens love without sacrificing the "lit" part of "Bitch Lit". GoldenGirl is continuing to climb the best-seller chart, garner great reviews, and amazing everyone who sees the realistic websites, but great new things are just around the corner.

Oh, if you have any ideas for a genre name for books that have an electronic/internet component, let me know. We'll start using it around here and pretty soon everyone will be talking about it.



  1. Love the term bitch lit. As for the whole new genre of books that you guys are exploring, I think you should start calling them E-bitch lit. And it was a mystery you could call it a young adult E-mystery. As you can see, I'm a big fan of just sticking an E- in front of everything and creating a new genre.

  2. I like it, Liz! Click Lit is an AWESOME way to describe it!
